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2018年10月30日 15:12:12 访问量:173


Teaching Plan for Unit1  1B

The Second Period, Reading:” In search of the Amber Room.”

Ⅰ.Teaching Objectives:

1.Language Objectives:

(1)Important words or phrases:

gift, stone, heat, design, fancy, style, jewel, king, reception, mirror, wonder, remove, furniture, secretly, wooden, doubt, in search of, in return, at war.

(2)Important sentence patterns:

Frederick William, the king of Prussia could never have imagined that…

Although it feels as hard as stone, it easily melts when heated.

In 1770, the room was completed the way she wanted it.

There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for…

What really happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery.

2.Ability Objectives:

1Train students’ reading skills and reading speed.

2Develop students’ reading ability to catch information and handle information.

3Learn to express one’s idea in English discussion.

3.Moral Objectives:

By reading the text, know about the history of the cultural relic in Russia—The Amber Room. Broaden their knowledge of cultural relics at home and abroad. And also arouse the awareness of protecting cultural relics of the world.

Ⅱ.Important Points:

1.Master the important words, phrases and sentences through reading.

2.Develop students’ abilities to catch information, handle information and analyze and solve problems through reading activities.

Ⅲ.Difficult Points:

  1. How to help students to understand the history of the Amber better.
  2. How to help students to complete the activities and finish the task.

Ⅳ.Teaching Methods:

  1. Fast reading and careful reading to understand the passage exactly.
  2. Asking-and-answering activity to check the students’ understanding of the text.
  3. Individual, pair or group work to discuss questions.

4.  Teaching Aids: Pictures and multimedia-equipment

.Teaching Procedures:

Step Greetings(1min)

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Lead-in(5mins)

Before starting the lesson, have the students look at some pictures on the screen. There’re some places in these pictures. They are all very famous places in China or in the world. Ask the students if they know them and name them out. Tell the students that all the places in the pictures are cultural relics. And explain what cultural relics are. Show them on the screen. Ask them what it will be like if a room is made of amber. Then give them a picture of the amber room. Tell them the text we will learn is“In Search of the Amber Room.”

Step Skimming and Scanning(9mins)

Ask students to read the passage quickly and try to match the proper main idea for each paragraph. The main ideas are displayed on the screen.

1st paragraph: the introduction of the Amber Room

2nd paragraph: the gift to the Czar

3rd paragraph: the rebuilding of the Amber Room in CatherineⅡ time

4th paragraph: the missing of the Amber Room

5th paragraph: the building of a new Amber Room

Step Detailed Reading(15mins)

Read the text again and do the Comprehending on P2. Then check answer together.

Step Asking-and Answering Activities(15mins)

      After reading the text twice, there may be some students still haven’t a clear idea of the text. So teacher ask a series of questions about the text and ask the students to follow the questions to get a clear idea.

      The questions are:

1)What was the amber room built for?

2)Why the owner turned to be Peter the Great?

3)Who was the third owner of the amber room? What did she do with it?

4)Which two countries was the war between and who stole the amber room?

5)Where was the amber sent to?

6)Did people find the amber room?

7)What did people do then?

After the students answer this entire question, a timetable of the amber room will be presented gradually in front of the class. And then ask students to retell the whole story.

The whole story:

What happened to the Amber Room?

Build for the Palace of Frederick William

                 (in Prussia)


Sent to Peter the Great (the Czar) as a gift in 1716

                 (St Petersburg in Russia)


Catherine moved it outside St Petersburg



The war between Russia and German

Nazi German secretly stole it




Step Discussion (10mins)

Give them a question to discuss in groups of four:

The Russians and Germans have built a new Amber Room. Should we also rebuild Yuan Ming Yuan? Why?

Ask some of them to tell their result of discussion.

Step Summary and Assignment(5mins)

In this class we have got the general idea of this passage. After class read the text again and find the language points. We will discuss the text in detail next class.



Ⅵ.Blackboard Design


Unit 1  In Search of the Amber Room.





beautiful, precious



2.Amber room


Main idea of each paragraph:

The whole story of the text:


1st paragraph: the introduction of the Amber Room

2nd paragraph: the gift to the Czar

3rd paragraph: the rebuilding of the Amber Room in CatherineⅡ time

4th paragraph: the missing of the Amber Room

5th paragraph: the building of a new Amber Room

Build for the Palace of Frederick William Ⅰ

             (in Prussia)

Sent to Peter the Great (the Czar) as a gift in 1716


(St Petersburg in Russia)

Catherine moved it outside St Petersburg


The war between Russia and German

Nazi German secretly stole it…








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