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2018年10月30日 11:07:06 访问量:201

Unit 10 Fun Time

Listening and Speaking: How to celebrate Halloween

Ⅰ. Textbook Analysis

1What to learn, Positions and Effect

Unit 10 How to celebrate Halloween, it belongs to text book1 from foreign language teaching and research press. This unit conclude festivals and entertainment. And weve also discussed other festivals in this unit. So when we are talking about the information service on, Ss would feel less anxious and nervous and they will feel it exciting and challenging.

2TL Objectives

Knowledge Objectives: scenic spots; activities; adverbial clause

Ability Objectives: design Halloween with charts and pictures and mark them with place names and activities

Emotion, Attitude & Values Objectives: the structure of a tour brochure; Occupation accomplishment: service consciousness as a travel agent; knowledge about scenic spots at home and abroad.

The lowest requirements: mark 6 pictures and make a chart

General requirements: describe pictures; make a simple tour brochure with pictures and a chart

Higher requirements: make a good tree brochure with pictures and short passages

3Key Points and difficulties

Key Points: design an attractive tour plan drawing the most attention and arousing the greatest desire to travel

Settlement: surf the Internet for beautiful pictures on some English websites of festivals;

Difficulties: scenic spots names; adverbial clauses

Settlement: listen and repeat but dont stress the difficult scenic spots name too much; help Ss to recognize key sentences containing adverbial clauses

Ⅱ. Students Analysis

38 students, Class 1, Grade 1 of Tourism Major

Cognitive characteristics: great level and gradient difference; pay much attention to travel information, and communication abilities; clear Occupation intention: tour guide, travel agent

Psychological needs: be curious and eager to find the most beautiful pictures and design a special tour brochure of their own

Learning style: Like to learn in activities, the practice of speaking and doing, and group works; prefer the classes with multi-media and Internet

TL strategies: Activity Method, Multimedia Method, Task Method

TL facilities: Computers and multimedia system in the lab

Ⅲ. Teaching Procedures

Step One: Lead-in

Activity 1:Warming up :Nice music and play games.

Purpose: Arouse the Ss interests.

Activity 3: Look & Act

Assessment: Try to get close to some famous scenic spots in Sydney and get ready for listening.

Step Two: Pre-Listening

Activity 1: Listen & Fill in

Listen to the tape and fill in the chart with the scenic spots.

Activity 2: Listen & Match

Listen again and match the scenic spots and its activities.

Activity 3: Listen & March

Mark these activities to match your pictures.

Assessment: Listen to the tape for 3 times and highlight the scenic spots names and activities until Ss could read the passages aloud.

Step Three: Speaking

Activity 1: Ask and answer

Set one students pictures as an example.

Activity 2: Describe pictures

Look at your pictures and describe them in you own way.

Activity 3: Read aloud

Ask some Ss to read aloud and read together.

Activity 4: Key sentences

Look at the sentence on the screen and try to find out other 2. Translate them into Chinese.

Assessment: have an intensive reading practice with the pictures until Ss could read aloud.

Step Four: What do you know about them?

Activity 1: Describe & write

Look at these pictures of different festivals. Try to describe and write down your short passages.

Activity 2: Read and write

Read the passage and fill in the blanks to finish it. Do you think it attractive enough? How do you improve its charming?

Assessment: Try to write down your description of the pictures on Beijing and make a tour brochure of our Halloween,.

Homework: (2 minutes)

1. Make your work of this lesson more perfect and send them to me!

2. Make a tour brochure with good passages with the materials!

Assessment: Give different levels of requirements to different Ss.

Ⅳ. Prediction

1. Intensive training

2. Challenge: The 1st lesson in a computer lab; So many activities & tasks

3. Regrets: Some could hardly read or speak



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