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说课设计——《Unit1 》

2018年10月30日 15:10:50 访问量:274


Oral Presentation of the Teaching Plan for

Period2, Unit1,  1B

Ⅰ. Teaching Material Analysis

This unit is about cultural relics which tell people about the past. In the reading part, students can know about the history of amber room well through the story of looking for it. Besides, they can gain more knowledge of world cultural relics. Meanwhile, it is a good way to cultivate students’ awareness of protecting cultural relics. After learning this unit, students can improve their listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities. This reading material is of great value to guide the students’ thoughts in protection. It occupies an important place in the whole unit even the whole textbook.

II . Teaching Objectives

1. Language Objectives

   Students will master some new words and useful expression. When one starts to speak English, he must know how to spell the basic words firstly. In this unit, students need to keep these new expressions in mind and they are as follows: gift, stone, heat, design, fancy, style

2. Ability Objectives

Train the students’ reading ability by careful reading and fast reading. Both of them are equally important in reading part, which can have the effect on stimulating students’ interest to explore what the passage is about. Fast reading enable students to have a general understanding of the text, while careful reading makes their thoughts clearer.

3. Moral Objectives

  A cultural relic tells people about the past. So there is no doubt that the information of this unit can broaden students’ knowledge of cultural relics at home and abroad. And also arouse the awareness of protecting cultural relics of the world.

Ⅲ. Important Points

The teaching important point is to help the students to understand the passage. Students are able to employ different skills to comprehend the text, such as skimming and scanning. Besides, question-answering activity is a good way to help the students understand the passage better.

Ⅳ. Difficult Points

In this period, organizing the plot about the amber room is pretty important, and it’s also the difficult point of this text. In order to present it clearly, full understanding about the cause and effect is considered as a complex procedure.

Ⅴ. Teaching Methods

  1. In this lesson, I mainly use “Task-based Language Teaching Method”, that is to say, to give students one or more tasks related to the lesson and let the students finish the tasks and help them to get better understanding of this part. In the whole process, the teacher is just a guide. Some tasks concerning the theme of this text and some specific questions are designed for Ss to complete through cooperation in group works. Through discussion, cooperation in group work and oral presentation, they have the opportunity to explore experience and participate in the process of learning. As it goes in this sentence,” Teach me, I’ll forget; show me, I’ll remember; involve me, I’ll learn.” By means of TBLT, Ss are involved and engaged in the task and classroom activities, and therefore they genuinely learn. It proves that Ss-centered teaching method is also fulfilled.
  2. Teaching Aids

I use a necklace, PPT and some pictures. By using PPT, Ss can get the information quickly and easily. With the help of blackboard and chalks, Ss can have a clearer idea of the information.

Ⅵ. Learning Method

Reading is a silent and individual activity. There are two broad levels in the act of reading:1)a recognition task of perceiving visual signals from the printed page through the eyes; 2)a cognitive task of interpreting the visual information, relating the received information with the reader’s own general knowledge, and reconstructing the meaning that the writer had meant to convey. In order to achieve the above two levels of reading, students need to develop some reading strategies such as skimming, scanning, summarizing information, making inferences and so on. In this lesson, students are instructed to develop the above mentioned reading strategies.

Ⅶ. Teaching Procedures

Step Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual. This aims to concentrate the students’ attention.

Step  Lead-in

Since the reading material in this period talks about In Search of the Amber Room, it is a proper way to introduce amber and amber room by showing some pictures and decorative things. Then ask students some related open questions. By answering the open questions, Ss’ interest and attention are drawn to the topic. Then Ss are interested in reading the following text.

Step  Fast reading

Make students read the passage quickly by skimming for the main idea of each paragraph. By doing this, the students’ skimming ability is trained.

Step  Careful reading

As for the follow-up exercise, students will scan the text for specific information, summarize information and make some inferences to find out the correct answers. Through this, the students reading ability will be improved.

Step  Asking-and-answering activities

I ask students to do the exercises to check whether they have understood the passage. By finishing these exercises, we will list a brief structure of the whole story on the blackboard. And then ask some of the students to retell the whole story. After this practice, students will fatherly understand the text and their communicative ability will be greatly improved.

StepⅥ  Discussion

Let the students discuss the topic that is it necessary to rebuild Yuan Ming Yuan. Through this discussion, students’ awareness of protecting cultural relics is aroused and they are more likely to protect the precious heritage. Besides, by giving the report of the result of discussion, the opportunity of students to speak in front of their classmates and teacher is provided. They are trained to express themselves in English bravely and confidently.

StepⅦ  Summary and Assignment

In order to consolidate the knowledge in this class, the last step is to summarize the whole story of the text and reading skills. At last, I’ll give them the homework asking them to try their best to find out some difficult language points.

Ⅷ. Blackboard Design

My blackboard design is quite clear, especially the brief structure on it. It is designed to make the whole story clearer and to attract Ss’ attention. The blackboard is divided into 3 parts. On the left hand, I’ll write down two main features of amber. The middle column will be listed with the main idea of each paragraph. The brief structure of the text will be on the right hand.






In Search of the Amber Room





beautiful, precious


2.Amber room


The main idea of each paragraph:

1st paragraph: the introduction of the Amber Room

2nd paragraph: the gift to the Czar

3rd paragraph: the rebuilding of the Amber Room in CatherineⅡ time

4th paragraph: the missing of the Amber Room…

The whole story of the text:

Build for the Palace of Frederick William Ⅰ

             (in Prussia)

Sent to Peter the Great (the Czar) as a gift in 1716


(St Petersburg in…)…





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